Its Drinking Season
Its Drinking Season

CapaBunga Reusable Silicone Wine Bottle Cap - Holiday It's Drinking Season

Your Price: $5.50
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Part Number:CBCB0063-holdrinkseas
CapaBunga Reusable Silicone Wine Bottle Cap - Holiday It's Drinking Season - • Do you hate that you can't fit open bottles with corks or stoppers in the fridge door and close it? • Have you tried to lay an open bottle with a cork or stopper at an angle or on it's side and returned to wine leaking everywhere? • Are you tired of trying to jam a cork in your wine bottle after pouring a glass and it doesn't fit because the cork has expanded? A reusable silicone cap that reseals a bottle of wine after you remove the cork. It’s made to resemble the bungs used to seal barrels during wine-making. Once you remove the cork and re-seal the bottle with a CapaBunga®, it is liquid tight and the open bottle can rest on its side or even upside down without leaking. No more jamming the cork back in the bottle, no more open bottles leaking all over your fridge, no more rearranging the fridge to fit an open bottle.

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